This is a (really late, but still deserved) judge review from the NGADM Round 2.
The composition on here is really good! A lot of it felt really fresh and didn't linger on any particular part for too long. The sound choices you made here were pretty good, especially with the synth-like sounds you brought in for your chords and leads. The beginning section until 0:42 was also a really good feel-y section that introduced the song relatively well, too. Nothing felt really weak on the production side of things, and the song as a whole felt pretty solid.
My only main complaint that I had is that I think the song could've been built up a bit more. I think it would've been pretty cool for that intro section to be brought up again later on and built up further from there to help it expand and also provide a bit of a cooldown for the next big moment in the song or the return to form. But that's just my thoughts, of course.
Overall, really solid song! It's pretty good and definitely deserves love from this round.